Friday, May 9, 2014


welcome back to my project I have finished my second Acrylic painting.
"Scotty, beam us up"
 But I'm not really happy with it :/ I don't really know whats wrong with it, but it didn't turn out as expected.
 I have decided to do a abstract watercolor painting. im pretty much done with acrylic im getting a little bored with it.
 Here's a sponge to get a different effect from just a regular paintbrush, but it didn't really work. so I went back to just a simple paintbrush. the sponge soaked up to much of the paint so I had to do a second coat to get the desired darkness.
and you have to stretch the paper so when it dries from all the water it is still flat and not crinkly.

I put rubber cement to repel the watercolor. when your done with painting you can just rub it off and the watercolor painting is still white.

The way I paint abstract watercolor is a special way... (not really) but I get the paper really wet then add the color. It all blends together, I let it dry a bit, then I add detail and definitions. Then if that fails add more color and water. to get the colors I mixed a little bit of black with the color I wanted (like green or blue) to get it very dark

I added white acrylic paint to the white parts to enhance the white stars.
the only thing I need to do now is get a frame/way to present it. 
One day I hope I can paint my ceiling this way


  1. I like this one :) Keep up the hard work!

  2. I love watching the step by step progress of your piece. Why don't you like it? What's off? What will you do next time? I want to enter the mind of an artist while reading your blog.

  3. I like Untitled_3 more than Untitled_1 and Untitled_2 if you ask me

  4. I loved seeing your art at the fair! It is so beautiful, and so are you. Don't doubt yourself, my dear. Keep working because this is awesome :) Also I love the Star Trek references
